Sunday, August 3, 2014

Happy monsoon

Meteorological reports and data confirms that due to El-Nino effect in the Pacific and the Bay of Bengal, India and Pakistan may have 40% drier monsoon, thus a likelihood of a drought, even Australia will be affected thus they have lowered their wheat production by 15%, so are Indians equally worried tightening their belts and taking preventive measures. Hope it is not the same drought of 2009, as we and India had suffered. 

Monsoon period in subcontinent is officially declared from 15th May to 15th September, thus warning finishing boats and small crafts to venture in Arabian sea and Western Ghats of India ie Kerala, Mumbai gets extensive showers and sea swell increases at Karachi and Mumbai. In case of Karachi, the rainfall record is minimal and it rains due to low pressure being formed in Rajhistan, as Karachi has neither mountains nor vegetation/forest. 

Monsoon is said to be friendly to Congress/Ghandhis and PPP/Bhuttos, however, it appears that Modi and Nawaz Sharif may find it unfriendly this year due to weather phenomena. India has coastline of 7500 kilometres and also has more than 5000 kilometres inland waterways, with headquarters at Noda, Delhi. For some reason the just short insinuating that monsoons in India by habit are pro-Congress, anti Hinduvta in lighter vein. If India gets a drought it is historic that peasants attack grain traders for practicing witchcraft. I refer to David Hardiman's book on 1832 food scarcity in India in his famous book "History of the subordinated". Modi has increased diesel prices and his budget could not be free of his bete noires prescription. The spin doctors in India and Pakistan give our PM credit for launching metro, bullet trains etc, robbing their predecessors share of brownie points. Modi and Nawaz will have to tackle daylight robberies, if hit by drought. Premier Indian historians "D.D. Kasambi" recorded that since last 2000 years peasants in India suffered misery due to usury. I, sincerely hope that our government has contingency plans to deal with drought in Pakistan, if the predictions of meteorologist come true. 

Modi was visiting Brazil and he did manage to form BRICS Bank headquartered at Shanghai China, at their 2010 world expo in Pudong development zone whilst ensuring the first President to be Indian and Brazilian Chairman. China has agreed to pay 41 billion USD whilst others will pay 18 billion USD, raising capital to 100 billion USD. Putin/Chinese/Indians/Brazilians have set the ball rolling finding a substitute to Breton Woods, World Bank and IMF, thus forging ahead for multipolar world from unipolar, as Putin fears sanctions from west due to Ukraine crises. Chinese feel that BRICS Bank will reduce western dominance of Global financial system and West-dominated multilateral agencies. 

The countries around the world may find new refuge for borrowing in case of poor economy, without dictations of the West. It is a good omen for underdeveloped world to set itself free from clutches of the World Bank/IMF. BRICS nations are 41.6% of world population and 25% of the world territory, contributing 19.8% to world's GDP. It consists of Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa but seems Indonesia too. China has consolidated its 7% GDP growth, whilst Indians are trying to manage around 5% GDP if monsoons fail, they may reel around 4%. Indians are fearing inflation to rise from 5.4 to 8.5% as that of Pakistan if monsoon is dry, we may hope for the best. 

It was shocking in my study tour of Europe recently to see growing of opium in fields from Vienna to Budapest, but Austrians claim that they use it in their sweet dish only and being fully aware that it can be misused, thus they keep a strict eye, however, opium fields in Fata/Afghanistan and South America were burned due to pressure from West, which can't control its populace from producing marijuana. Surprisingly our anti narcotic force reported in Senate Standing Committee recently that since last few years west has encouraged poppy cultivation in Afghanistan on area of 6500 hectares and proceeds are used for war on terror and funding of TTP. What a double standard of West. Hope BRICS may give some relief to poor countries from dictations of West and its double-standard 

India being part of BRICS and Modi elected as leader by referendum has set itself on growth trajectory inducing FDI and facilitating local and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in Indian economy. India inherited 50,000 miles of Rail Roads from their colonial Masters in 1947 against our 5000 mils, but as of today Indians have 133000 miles of track, lifting 2.6 million tons freight and 23 millions passengers. Indian Railway is said to be doing well, but need renovation/investment as 93% of Railway income is spent on operation, thus leaving minimal for development. India is seeking 93 billion USD in their five-year plan to replace 25% century-old bridges, signalling system and cater to freight lifting from Ports to remove congestion at their major Ports. The logistic cost in India and Thailand is 16% and in our case it is 29%, however when bench marked to US/Japan/UK/Europe where logistic cost is only 6% compared to 29% in Pakistan (source World Bank). We inherited 5000 miles of rail track but reduced rail road to 2000 miles. So sad! 

India's budget 2014 announced by Finance Minister Arun Jatley gave a booster dose to maritime sector, whereas in Pakistan Budget 2014 concessions allowed in Shipping Policy 2001 stands withdrawn and 10% withholding tax is imposed, what a contrast in mindset. Needless to mention that Shipping Policy 2001 and Merchant Shipping Ordnance 2001 was gift of Nawaz Sharif Government to Maritime Sector, as I was nominated as member of five-man task force in 1996 and chaired again in 2006 to amend the policy to induce entrepreneurs. Indians are now allowed to register their ships in tax-free overseas jurisdiction without opening subsidiaries there in a bid to increase national tonnage. This scheme will allow ship owners sitting in India to register their ships abroad, to be known as Indian controlled fleet. Indian ship owners may raise cheap funds from International lenders; however, there shall be stipulation to hire certain percentage of Indians on ships to improve employment. Indians are worried with high logistic cost thus out to use the cheapest mode of Inland water transportation, a project of national water ways - one on Ganges will be developed from Allahabad to Haldia, a distance of 1620 km enabling coasters of 1500 DWT tonnage to navigate commercially. The project may take 5 years at the cost of Rs 4200 crores. The searching question is, can Modi clean the Ganges, India's biggest sewerage line snaking around northern India from Himalayas to Bay of Bengal about 2500 miles. 400 million people live near it in 50 towns, pumping untreated sewerage hazardous chemical 2.7 billion liters, whereas treatment facility is only 1.2 billion liters. Swiss may help as their all lakes are 99% potable water. We are no different as all our rivers are polluted and Karachi harbour receives 472 MGD untreated waste water depriving naval commercial ships of 30% of their life, causing erosion and blocking sea water suction, based on report to Senate standing committee in 2006. The sewerage is pumped through three nalas. KWSB has treatment capacity of only 151 mgd but treats only 55 mgd. PSDP has no allocation for water and sewerage plants at Karachi. Indians will also be unfolding ship building policies soon. Indians will use Gujarat temp plate of Modi for PNT development. It is planned to set up 16 new port projects providing rail infrastructure to connect hinterland, thus decongesting their ports. Indian customs will clear goods 24x7. Indian finance minister has allocated Rs 5000 crore to make available scientific warehousing infrastructure in the country, to improve the shelf life of Agriculture produce thus improving the revenue to the farmers. (Source International Shipping News - 11.07.2014) 

It really saddens me to hear that our conceived projects like Nandipur have been made prematurely operational thus giving a worldwide shame on our planning and project management. No headway at Gwadar, except MoUs. My searching query is why can't we learn from our neighbours and our leaders should serve rather trying to become Kings or Caliphs. 

Feudalism is Pakistan's serious problem, French and Indians have resolved it, but no route map for us. French gave up on August 4, 1789, whilst Indians in Nehru's land reforms of 1952. Feudalism in Europe originated after fall of Roman Empire, it was divided into three estates, nobility or feudal lords being first, clergy the second, followed by the rest of people, a true replica of today's Pakistan. Although feudalism in Pakistan has changed its character, it is still politically, socially and culturally dominant in Parliament and Governance. Feudalism remains unchanged in Sindh and Southern Punjab, with Sardars and Maliks in KPK/Balochistan. Sindh and south of Punjab feudal lords claiming to be descendents of the Sufi Saints, have said to be inherited spiritual power, which is great hindrance in the development of society. If a Mughal Rip Wan Wickle wake up in Pakistan, he would not be out of place in Pakistan. There is no hope that these feudal lords will realise the changing situation globally, which has no space for the redundant institution of feudalism and feudal mindset. It has become outdated and lost its utility as same was sponsored by Mughals and Britishers. When feudalism is abolished in Pakistan, then only talented people will emerge and contribute to the development of society. If it is not done voluntarily, perhaps violence may come in the end to eliminate it. Louis XIV, the most powerful French ruler weakened the feudal and clergy both by asking them to live at the court of Versailles and spend lot of money to maintain their standards. This is most respectable solution for our feudal even today, as they will not be hurt. 

I, as a common and patriotic Pakistani have no ambition, but do look for change, so that posterity may get out of the clutches of feudalism and Pakistan may have a route map at least to grow as India, China and Korea or say Malaysia in the region. Let us ponder as to how find a solution to our misery only think tank of academics may put us on right course, before obituary is written. I have noted with heavy heart that attitude at top is "who cares" what you may say or write for the good of the country. It is incumbent to appoint right people for the right job. Let us learn from India and at least copy and paste their reforms or that of Malaysia, China or Korea. 

I conclude to say that we are at point of no return, thus all may club to take country towards progress by neutralising the feudal and clergy both. Pakistan is calling its sons/daughters to contribute. I, compliment government for setting land port authority establishing dry ports at Chaman, Torkham and Wagah, to be completed in 36 months, for promotion of trade through our 3 corridors, as advised by World Bank years back. 

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